Is Fish Safe to Eat?

Posted by Lala Naidu on

On the one hand, fish is a source of lean protein, the omega-3 fats docosahexeoic acid (DHA) and elcosapentenoic acid (EPA), iodine, vitamin D, and others. On the other hands, eating fish increases exposure to several toxicants, most notably mercury.

Unfortunately, there's no one size-fits-all, because the balance of risk and benefit differs for each individual. People who are undergoing exposure to known toxicants such as chemotherapy, removal of dental amalgams, air pollutants, and immunizations with methyl-mercury-containing vaccines may be more vulnerable to the additional exposure incurred by eating fish. Also, it's recommended that both men and women planning to have children eat fish with caution.

If you choose to eat fish opt for cold water fish rather than fish from warmer waters. Salmon, artic cod, mackerel, sardines, herring, which swim in cold water, are rich in polyunsaturated fats known as omega-3's. Choose wild over farmed. Consider wild to be the free-range, organic choice of fish.  

When mercury is high

Chelation is the recommended treatment in most situations when mercury tests are high. There are a number of methods for administering oral and intravenous chelation. Choosing the right method and timing of treatment is an important role for personalized medicine.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps rid the body itself of mercury on a daily basis. Alpha lipoic acid is a nutrient that can be taken in a supplemental doses to help chelate toxicants. Looking more broadly, a number of alternative therapies help the body detoxify. These include massage, chiropractic, and bodywork, which improve regional circulation; relaxation techniques, which improves total body circulation; saunas and exercise, which decrease toxic burden through sweat; and techniques that improve bowel health, which decrease toxin absorption. A personalized plan may include these approaches.

Continue reading about specific approaches for when Mercury Test High >

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